@Shortlist.com – Editorial 10th May 2018 [Joe Mackertich]
Prejudice makes no class distinction, nor takes account of your sex.
Prejudice knows no age, nor could it give a sh*t about your nationality.
Prejudice doesn’t care about your gender; says fk your weight and your height.
Prejudice knows no religion; makes no allowance for disability.
Prejudice isn’t bothered about the size of your nose, the way you dress, or how rich you are.
Prejudice could care less about your sexuality.
Prejudice is colour-blind to your ethnicity.
[Much respect to The Grandmaster, for coming up with the groove – Uncle at my local Curry House for reminding me of it – And CeCe Rodgers, for this line]
(This is the Radio Edit. The much more vitriolic version didn’t make it off the cutting room floor. That’s editing for you, though, eh?)