There is no right way to be human. No blueprint that describes us. No manual that you can follow. No correct way to do it. No one size that fits all.
Male or female. Gay or straight. Disabled. Able bodied. Black, white, fat, thin, short or tall. Any and all shades of all those in between. We are all based on the same needs – the same bottom rows of the triangle – which makes all of us the same and yet defined by the top rows that make each of us a unique individual too.
British or Russian. North Korean or American. European. Asiatic. A mix of all of those … Some other label used to catalogue you. All of those are just lines on a map; education; society; social glue. And that can help define us, but it isn’t all of what makes you … you.
Each one of us is a product of the life we have lived – The sum of our experiences – The animal fashioned since the day we were created (quite some time before we were born).
Laugh about it. Cry about it. Spend every weekend drunk or sober; in an art gallery or a crack den. Love someone more than yourself – Love yourself more than anyone else. Love movies. Love music. Love something else entirely different too. Few people survive without love – Does anyone prosper without it? – But everyone doesn’t love the same thing.
Plenty of people survive without a loving relationship – Plenty of people curl up and die without one too. Some people find love with a dog, just as easily as others find it with a cat. Some people love football. Some hate it just as much too.
Motivation. I don’t think you pick it, I think it picks you. Love. Hate. Greed. Charity. Just four from what is a huge list of possibilities. And there’s nothing to say only one of them chooses you.
Do people fight – make war – because we hate the other, or because we love us more than them?
Being human is to understand that you’re different than the person you’re stood next to – And to appreciate that you are the same animal too.